Serve Boldly
Volunteer Ministry Training Conference
ONE DAY:Sat,April24,2021●9AM-4.30PM
LOCATION:Breesport Baptist Church
1811 N Chemung Rd Breesport NY 14816
CHILD CARE provided through age 5!
Spring is almost here and so is SERVE BOLDLY, an exciting one-day conference sponsored by the Northeast Fellowship!
This workshop-driven event offers small group sessions covering many topics, all led by experienced church leaders from around our Fellowship.
It is designed to IMPROVE skills in whatever area attendees may serve and offer INSPIRATION for new initiatives.
This conference is great for not only seasoned servants but also new disciples, lay leaders, paid staff members, pastors, missionaries, mentors, young or old.
Gather a group and join us in Breesport, New York (near Horseheads/Elmira) on Saturday, April 24. Be sure to bring a notebook and pen to soak up and then share all the great insights you wil pick up!
Practical Workshops on…
Worship leadership •Women’s ministry •Counseling •Rural/Small church ministry •Outreach helps •Sunday school •Youth and children’s ministry •Pastor and deacon helps •Church finance •Web sites and technology •Church safety and security …and more!
(See list of titles and presenters coming soon to our website–
Registraon Costs (See our website for registration form):
$20/person or $30/married couple, postmarked by April 14 (includes lunch, training materials, and give aways!) $5 more after April 14 or at the door
You can register and pay online (small additional cost) now at:
A Ministry of the Center for Church Advancement of the Northeast Fellowship and the Center for Rural Church Ministry