It’s time to get connected with a SMALL GROUP!


What happens in SMALL GROUP? Fellowship, Learning, Connection, Prayer

What will you find in a SMALL GROUP? Encouragement, Support, Acceptance

Because we are…Stronger Together, Better Together, Made To Be Together
What is a SMALL GROUP? Imperfect people, growing together while becoming
more like Christ

Who belongs in a SMALL GROUP? YOU! ME! US, TOGETHER!

Groups: Grades K-2, Grades 3-6, Grades 7-10, Grades 11-Early College, Adult & Ladies


Sunday School 2.0



                                         Classes will resume September 17th  8:45 AM


Young Adults Small Group

Matt & Ashley Merle host a young adults(single, married, with or without children) small group.

It would meet at their home on the 3rd Friday night of each month for a few hours (exact time to be determined, but possibly 6-8pm timeframe).  Just bring your Bible and munchies of your choice to enjoy while we have our study time.

The plan right now is to have a guest speaker each month from within the church (older and wiser generations) to come and share whatever God has laid on their heart(s). They have been there, done that with regards to life, singleness, marriage, family, in sickness & health, and the ups & downs of personal relationships with God through all of it. We feel they could certainly share a great deal of wisdom into our lives at a time when we need it the most. That being said, we would love for people to volunteer to come meet with the group, otherwise … Ashley or Matt will just come ask you. This is not just for married couples; single individuals, widowers, & widows have just as much to share about life and how God has used them as married couples do.

The 2nd need to be able to get this group off the ground is for childcare. We would like for those with children to be
able to have a few hours out of the month where they could go visit with other Christian adults and really be able to
relax and soak it all in. We need volunteers to either watch the children in their family home or at yours (depending
on the family’s needs and wants) for those few hours. Teenagers must be accompanied by an adult. If you are
interested in volunteering, please let Ashley know so she can pass the information on to those with children.